The District of Saanich recently celebrated an important milestone in the climate challenge by achieving a 10.6 per cent cut in its greenhouse gas emissions -- more than double the target of 5 per cent.
This impressive result is thanks to the hard work of Saanich staff, who moved quickly to bring in the changes -- like energy retrofits in Saanich buildings, replacing older fleet vehicles with hybrids, and introducing LED traffic signals -- that made the first wave of emission cuts happen.
As we celebrate this very successful start, we should look forward to future actions to maintain our momentum. The next steps are being developed in a Climate Action Plan to continue to combat climate change throughout our community for the years and generations to come.
The Action Plan will involve residents and businesses in continuing progress to protect our climate -- by guiding new development into walkable village centres, using more solar and alternative energies, encouraging healthy walking and biking for trips close to home, and enhancing our transit system for commuters in the region.
Saanich, its citizens, and businesses have long been leaders for the environment, and should be proud of all the work being done to help reduce our emissions and energy use. Let’s continue to set an example to other parts of the region, as we work together to meet our 2020 goal of a 33 per cent CO2 reduction.
I’m grateful for your feedback on what should be included in the Climate Action Plan as we move forward. Please send any suggestions to reduce our emissions and conserve energy. After all, the climate affects us all and we all have a role to play in protecting it.
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